Boogie and Mike Mason

Boogie & Mike Mason recently attended the NADAC Championships held in Gillette, Wyoming. For a record fourth time, they came in 1st place in their division. In fact, Boogie had the highest score of any dog at any height in the double digit class.
Once again, in typical Boogie fashion, he had zero faults the entire event! And, of course, his enthusiasm for agility shone brightly as he barked (loud and proud) his way through each and every course.To top it all off, Mike & Boogie’s team “Super Dogs, Super Fun” with Cathy Percy & Ketch and Suzy Winkle & Sammy Blue came in 1st place in the team event. Way to go team!
How does Boogie get so good at agility? He studies Clean Run from cover to cover!
How does Boogie get so good at agility?
He studies Clean Run from cover to cover!
More NADAC Championships
Cathy, Teddi & the Kocker Krew
The Kocker Krew had a blast at NADAC Champs in Gillette Wyoming!
Kleo: National Champion Small Veteran
Kwest: 2nd place Small Veteran
Kwip: 3rd place Small Veteran Handler
Ketch: National Champion Double Digit Dog Team with fellow RAT members Mike Mason and Boogie and Suzy Winkle and Sammy Blue

Bonzer & Carol Nottenburg

Bonzer has started competing. So far, he’s had at least 1 qualifying
run in ASCA, NADAC and CPE. Good boy!
Doris Dyar and Maggie
Maggie and her Pole
Maggie earned her 1st C-TATCH on 9/23/2018 at the Four Paws Fur Fun CPE Trial!
Karen Ricketts & Shiloh
Shiloh finished his C-ATCH 3 at the Top Dog CPE trial in November 2018.

Sally Nickelson & Steed
My big brag is for my little mutt with the BIG bark, Steed. At almost 9 years of age, we finally managed to get the final Chances Q we needed for our first ever NATCH at the RAT Dog Days of Summer trial. Then just a couple of runs later, we got the final tunnelers Q we needed for his first V-NATCH. It was a very long time coming. I’m so proud of my little man – it’s been such a fun journey with him. We hope for many more years of playing agility together!
Steed & Sally with Natch & VNATCH Ribbons
Susan Perry & Tsunami
At Australian Shepherd Nationals in Greeley, CO, September 2018, Tsunami took 6th place in the Veterans Finals

Sandy Cox & Nick Nick
Nick Nick got his NATCH2 at the ZAP Trial in November.

Jet and Eric Sanford

Jet got 111% (max) in the DRI (dog run index) in her Elite Standard run at the ZAP NADAC trial, running standard at almost 7 1/2 YPS.
Kathy Swan & Glory, Joy and Missy
Joy completed her CS-ATCh in 40 straight Q’s since her CATCh 8. She also completed her RATM & CZ8 Silver at the Club @ Argus trial.

Missy became UKC Ch Olympic Crest Ain’t Misbehavin’ with her second BIS Altered over Thanksgiving weekend. She also finished her CATCh 3 at the CAT trial and her Elite ASCA Gamblers at MudPACK.

Glory had her NADAC debut in Mt Vernon at WAT, where she Q’d in 8 of
10 Intro runs. She completed 3 Intro titles at ZAP (Regular, TNG &
Tunnelers) with 7 of 8 Q’s. Glory also finished her RATN title at
River Rat in Ridgefield. Glory is the fastest Schipperke in FAST CAT
for 2018 & Lifetime ranking. She just turned two-years old.
Corey Thorpe & Snap

Corey and Snap Received their CATCH October 28, 2018