RAT TALES April-May 2019
Trial Reports
Spotlight on Members

Susan Perry and Tsunami
Tsunami earned ATCH-VII at the RAT ASCA trial in March! What a fun girl!

Annette Kuhls and Bella

Bella is all that and a sweetheart to boot! She is now 3.5 years old and I would best describe our agility journey as “waiting to grow up” with “moments of brilliance” showing through! We train 2x a week at 2 different facilities for versatility and this has really helped us expand our skill sets to run any venue of agility. Distance challenge events seem to be “easy” for her and she is an extremely consistent 20” jumper and we just finished our ASCA Novice Jumpers Title in March!

Teddi & Kwip CT-ATCH Teddi & KWEST CS-ATCH2 CATHY & Kelo CT-ATCH2 and
Audrey Hoyt & Kyra C-ATCH

At the RAT CPE trial, Teddi and Kwip earned their first big ribbon together … CT-ATCH! Teddi also earned CS-ATCH 2 with Kwest. Cathy and Kleo also earned CT-ATCH 2. The Kocker’s sister, Kyra and Audrey Hoyt earned their first C-ATCH. It was a rockin’ good time!
PUPPY FIX courtesy of Val Tangen
Val Tangen: New puppy. PWD almost 6 months old. Female. Taking classes. Loves to pick on Bart and JoJo. They are very patient with her! Still has alligator teeth!
Her call name is Ukie. Pronounced U – Key.

Trial Wrap ups –
April USDAA post-trial report
I want to thank everyone on my trial committee for helping to make this trial a success! Patti Cavin worked very hard both as the facilities coordinator and as the trial secretary. She also worked as the scorekeeper along with Carol Nottenburg on Sat. and Barb Kraus both days. That last job was made much more difficult due to computer issues, Many thanks to Anne Nile for helping to get them worked out, and also for being one of the Chief course builders. Mike Vorkapitch was the other CCB, as well as Equipment manager (and pole pounder extraordinaire If you are getting the feeling that this was a small trial in which folks took on multiple jobs you would be correct! Anne Seathoff and Robyn Morgan worked tirelessly to keep the rings staffed as the CRS, Jill Seward worked her magic in the hospitality department providing us with a wonderful array of healthy and not so healthy (but yummy) snacks. Pam Diemond kept the judges well hydrated and fed, Kris Mackay did a great job with the ribbons and awards, Renee Barnaby took care of the Electronics, and Jeanne put together a great raffle!
Of course the trial could not have happened without Teddi and Cathy getting Papa trailer out to Elma and Bob Cavin getting Mama trailer there as well.
There was one PDCH awarded (that I know of), and that went to Carolyn Daniels and Bazinga, so huge congratulations to them! I heard many compliments and praise for fun courses, as well as appreciation for holding the trial, and how much the Elma site was liked.
Thanks to all that came and played, and helped to keep this trial running smoothly – we were done at very reasonable times both days. Tear down went quickly with quite a few helping hands.
Respectfully, Trial Chair (and Judge)
Sandra Katzen
Rock and Run Trial Wrap Up Angie Atkinson

Angie Atkinson – Trial Chair,Sue Tierney – Secretary,Ginny Partridge – Score Keeper,Karen Ricketts – Electronics
Julie Pit – Course Builder,Joan Benjamin – Ring Steward,Cathy Percy &Teddi B – Trailers,Laura Crandall – Equipment Manager
Sally Nickelson – Awards,Cheryl Parker – Raffle,Doris Dyar and Lisa Triggs – Hospitality,Pam Diemond – Judges Hospitality
Best team ever to work with !!!
JUDGE: Mark Giles Mark was very easy to work with, had challenging courses and a positive attitude
$156.00 was donated to Old Dog Haven from the ribbon exchange
Since so many of our agility family is facing cancer, I decided to do a silent auction. There were 2 baskets on Saturday and 1 basket on Sunday. The baskets generated $240.00 with some competitive bidding wars! $120.00 was donated to Chemo Bags of Hope and $120.00 was donated to Covington Quilters Guild who make blankets for those going through treatments.
RING USAGE We tried something new that seemed to be well received. Since we had to pay for both sides of the arena, we widened the middle aisle area and used the other ring for the next 5 teams to have space to be with their dog and get ready to run

Laurie & Sunny,Pam & Naapi, Lisa & Logan,Stephen & Cooper,Cathy & Kleo, Audrey & Kyra,Teddi & Kwip,Linda & Cooper,Micki &Ginger,Linda &Molly,Teddi &Kwest & Nancy & Bubbins.
The hospitality team did a great job feeding us with taco bar on Saturday and baked potato bar on Sunday. A fun addition to go with the sunshine was Root beer and Orange floats. The “King” himself greeted everyone at lunch and made guest picture appearances outside and around the building.
Spotlight on Members
Meet Cathy Percy &Teddi Bottiger and their amazing Cockers!

RT: Cathy and Teddi are long time RAT Members – these wonderful ladies have been working at RAT and playing with their dogs since I met them in 2000!
RT: Tell me about your dogs and where you live.
Cathy & Teddi: We live just 5 miles from Argus Ranch in Auburn . Ketch, age 12 ½; Kleo, age 8; Kwest, age 8; Kwip, age 6. Kleo, Kwest and Kwip are siblings, and Ketch is their uncle. They are American Cocker Spaniels.
RT: How did you get interested in dog agility and how long have you been competing?
Cathy & Teddi: We had 2 puppies around the year 2000 (Dottie and Lottie, who some of you may remember) who lacked confidence and social skills. Sandra Katzen encouraged us to try agility with them to build confidence. We never intended to compete! Once we got started though, we never stopped. We love the people, the sport, and working with our dogs. Our very first trial was in Enumclaw. Dottie couldn’t run that weekend, as she was recovering from knee surgery. We’ve been competing for around 16 years, give or take. We’ve competed with Dottie, Lottie, Cooper and the 4 currently running. Our motto is “these aren’t your grandma’s Cocker Spaniels”.
RT : What venues do you compete in?
Cathy & Teddi: We have tried all of the venues, but focus on NADAC and CPE. We’ve been to NADAC Championships 3 times, and CPE Nationals once.
RT: What other activities do you do with your dogs?
Cathy & Teddi: Our dogs swim at Happy Tails Resort and Spa once a week, and we hike with them several times a week. We also enjoy camping with them.
RT: What do you like about being a RAT Club member and what agility activities have you helped with?
Cathy & Teddi:We like the community of friendly, dog loving, and hard working people who, like us, treat their dogs like members of their families. We also like being part of a group that supports and celebrates success … whatever that may look like for any team. We have been Trial Chairs, Trial Secretary, Board member, Nomination Committee member and Equipment Focal. We also ensure the equipment trailers are maintained, and haul them to most RAT events. We encourage RAT members to find ways that work for them to engage and help keep RAT the great club it has been for many years.
RT: Do you have any particular interests you would like to share
Cathy & Teddi : Outside of activities with our dogs, we enjoy golfing and gardening (except weed pulling … lol) !
RT: What funny things do your dogs do ? what do you like best about your dog?
Cathy & Teddi : Oh my, they are all so different. Ketch sings the song of his people almost every night at about 7. He starts with a few woofs, then works his way up to full singing, at which point Kwip joins in as the soprano. Kwest will provide backup support, and Kleo just rolls her eyes. As anyone who has received kisses from Kleo knows, she communicates in snorts and grunts. Kwip and Kwest are the Clown Boys … always happy and ready to go with the flow.
They are amazing athletes who are happy, very loyal and eager to learn. We also like that they have an “off switch”. They love cuddly “recliner time” with their moms, as we do with them.
Meet Leanna & Ross Aker & their BCs

RT: Please tell me where you live and about your dogs.
Leanna & Ross: We live in Auburn/Federal Way . We have Sagan, 8.5, border collie; Mead, almost 4, border collie, Roux, 7.5? BC/Kelpie/Lab (confirmed by DNA!)
RT: How did you get interested in dog agility and are you competing?
Leanna & Ross:Gosh, we went to classes with a dog that has since passed. Got connected up to instructors through privates and obedience that were connected to that world, and…it just happened!
Yes, since Sagan was a little older than 1 year old, so 7.5 years
RT: What venues do you compete in?
Leanna & Ross: NADAC, largely, though we dabbled in CPE a long time ago
RT: What other activities do you do with your dogs?
Leanna & Ross: Swimming, rally (awhile ago, but want to do it again!)

RT: What do you like about being a RAT Club member and what activities do you help with?
Leanna & Ross: Amazing, supportive people. This is really a club and not just something we pay into! We work at all the trials we attend.
RT: Do you have any particular interests you would like to share?
Leanna & Ross: I used to teach middle school science and am now a professor, preparing future teachers! Ross is an elementary music teacher
RT: What funny things do your dogs do? What things do you like best about your dog?
Leanna & Ross: Sagan loves shiny spots (lights, shadows). Mead likes licking up shower water off the bathroom floor. They are so easy to be around in the house and they get along well as a group. They all love to work!
2 thoughts on “RAT Tale April May 2019”
An amazing gazette! Gorgeous pictures, super cute dogs-all one can ask or imagine. What an engaging club, RAT!
I love this!! Seeing where people are in there dog journeys <3 The rap up of the trials for the last two months. And the puppy pictures!