RAT Tales – March April 2022 Part 2

RAT Tales – March April 2022 Part 2

April Brags, What do you do? and Help Wanted

Mt Rainier

Agility is like climbing a mountain –

Don’t forget to take time to enjoy the view

Brag Board Continued April

Brag Board

April 2022 Brags

PUPPY!!! Karen Ricketts

I have a 10 month old puppy, Maija. She went for her first trip to the park today. We practiced sit-stays. Here’s a picture of a sit-stay fail and one of success and one of her by herself.

Maija is from Iona Shelties in Eastern Idaho last September.  Her BD is June 2nd.  She is really sweet and loves to cuddle but she is also a big bundle of energy and we love her to pieces.  Her favorite activity is driving Shiloh crazy!

Natalie and Booker

Booker and I got our Novice Titles in NADAC last weekend for Jumpers, Tunnelers, and Weavers. We just need one more Open Regular Q as well to get that title. This was only our second NADAC trial too ☺️☺️☺️

Debra and Scout

Scout his first CPE Qualifying Run at Mudpack!!!

Bonnie and Melinda:

Weekend brag: I did not flub The Gamble. 🙂

What do our RAT Volunteers actually do?

Susie Winkle explains what a RAT Board Member does

Name of volunteer position  RAT Board Member

What is it’s purpose?  To help with the general management of the club’s affairs and promote the sport of dog agility. As a Board Member at Large in my role, I also manage the Facebook page.

How long have you been volunteering in this position ?

This is my first year serving on the board.

What skills/abilities/knowledge are needed? Ex: computer skills, people skills?  

What I love about serving on RAT’s board is that with this great mix of people we have a variety of skills and strengths and whatever your skills and strengths are, there is a way to make a contribution. I am able to use my business expertise as a marketing and communication professional to help strategize on how, what and where we share information.

Does it require attention to detail?

Yes. The board weighs very carefully the options we have before making a decision. The decisions are often regarding policy, or making a purchase, or if there are any changes due to current climate (like COVID19) or facility concerns. The board strives to make decisions that support trial chairs. I am grateful to be serving on a board where everyone pays close attention to details. What a smart group of people!

What is the time commitment to do the job and what is the timing of the activity.

The board meets once a month. We also have quite a bit of email activity which involves decision-making and responding to trial chair, trial secretary and member questions. Beyond that, it is up to the individual as to how much they want to take on.

How complex or difficult do you think this job is?

I don’t think it’s difficult. Some things just require thought.

Suzy and Raiden (and yes, he did get the yellow).

Photo by Sarah Forde, PIxpup Photography

What do you offer at trials or to RAT Members?

I often have my hands full with my four dogs, but always happy to chat or answer questions and step in when I can.

How many times a year do you perform your volunteer function?

Board service is year round.

What do you like best about this volunteer position?

Getting to see people on Zoom and chat through club matters.

Where do we find a link to your volunteer position on the website?


Help wanted – Webmaster – Inquire within:

Michael Vokapich: who many of you know as CPDT-KA Evaluator for CGC, Trick Dog, Farm Dog, ACT, Temperament Testing Training for Agility, Treibball, Tricks and Barn Hunt, is literally moving on.

RAT’s Webmaster extraordinaire is moving on to a new part of his life. Mike has been webmaster for 10 years!!! Mike has plans to do other things in his life. As you can see he has accomplished quite a bit already! He has kindly put together a list of skills and requirements needed for this job.

I can attest he has helped me several time with WordPress and the Blog.

Many thanks Mike for all the help and work you have put in for RAT.

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Name of committee position: Webmaster

Purpose: Maintain the website and all associated login information. Make any updates and modifications as necessary.

Skills/abilities/knowledge needed: Experience with WordPress, experience with websites, experience with web hosting. Some database skills, some PHP knowledge.

Does it require attention to detail? Definitely!

What is the time commitment to do the job and what is the timing of the activity? Typically not very much time. Maybe an hour or less per month at this point. It depends on what is happening or if there are problems.

How complex or difficult do you think this job is? It can be as simple or complex as someone likes. If someone wants simple, they can just update the information on the website. If they want complex, they can make major changes.

What do you offer at trials or to RAT Members? Nothing at trials. For RAT member, a trial calendar, list of committee members, list of club members, etc.

How many times a year do you perform your volunteer function? As needed.

Can you walk us through your steps or duties?
Here are some examples of things that are needed:

  • Add / modify trial listings
  • Add / modify committee member information
  • Add / modify links to documents
  • Add / modify web pages as needed

What do you like best about this volunteer position? It doesn’t take much time.

Where do we find a link to your volunteer position on the website?

If you’re interested in getting involved with this committee here is the contact information:

[email protected]

Hug your dogs!

Happy Dog Days! from RT Editor

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