2017 Recap of RAT Members Brags!
Tim Evans
Kobe Q’d in his Chances run and got his NATCH at the ZAP Thanksgiving NADAC trial. I’m thankful for that.
Sherry Banks
Dude earned his TBAD,TG1, TIAD, and TG2
Mike earned his CL1-F. CL1-R, CL1-H,CL1-S, CL2-R
Blu earned her CL4-R, C-ATCH, ChST, she is pretty close to her C-ATCH 2
Who earned no new titles but was pretty healthy. He has been helping to educate BG
BG turned 1 year old and has completed 2 parkour classes and is starting her first agility class.
Linda Miller
DJ has a brag. We took the CGC Test December 3 and WE PASSED. DJ did not go thru any training classes. We just signed up and took the test. I wanted to get his CGC prior to him turning 12. DJ turns 12 on December 31. I may try the same test with Gidget at some point in time.
Doris Dyer
Maggie earned her Novice and Intermediate AKC Trick Titles at the BLAST Fun Day on 12/2/2017. She then earned her Advanced Title on 12/17/2017
at Naturally 4 Paws. She loves tricks and is learning them way faster than her Mom can come up with ideas for them!
Koal and Sher Francis earned Koal’s Canine Good Citizen on 12/17/2017 at Naturally 4 Paws. She was in good company with Josie and Walker (Adeanna Hume) along with Luna (Karen Loomis) (see below)

Cheri Dieckman and the Boys

My hubby and I went to California, in May, where the boys and I competed
in the CPE NATIONALS. Very hot, we had a nice time. Both Lamor and Tigger qualified in six out of their nine runs.
It was Tigger’s first Nationals, he did quite well, except when he laid me out on a course.
A course, that all he needed to do was jump over the last jump!!!! Instead he thought I was playing with him on the ground!!! After scrabbling to my feet, I guided him over the final jump just under time. We qualified and that’s the hardest 2nd place ribbon I’ve ever worked for. Tigger earned a third place ribbon on the same course Lamor earned first.
Lamor is my crazy man, he had a fun time. He looked really great and earned six qualifying Rossette’s, a first place ribbon and a Reserve 12″ Standard Veteran Plaque.
Lamor earned the same award at his last Nationals, in Washington in
I’ve been blessed , so far, to have a year and seven months of days with him.
He should have died, May 5, 2016 from gallbladder failure.
I thank God, for everyday, he’s still here. He Runs around like he’s six years old but he just turned eleven years old.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
Give your babies hugs.We are not guaranteed tomorrow.
Cheri Lamor & Tigger
BLAST at the Fun Day for Noah’s Pet Project
(in the arena) Melinda Jenkins, Susan Perry and Linda Grass.
It was a cold, wet, muddy day, but we had a BLAST at the Fun Day for Noah’s Pet Project on 12/2/3017. We ran some agility, learned about (and tried) Rally and Treiball, had a barbecue, shared good times with friends (new and old) did some tricks (and earned some new AKC trick titles) collected a ton of toys and $550.00 for Noah’s Pet Project! Thank you to everyone who turned out to play in the rain and support Noah’s. A special thanks to Noel Ritter, who was on hand to give massages and teach us about Rally and to Mike Vorkapich who taught us about Treiball and did Trick Dog evaluations!
(Under the E-Z Up) Mike Vorkapich, Tim Evan,Lisa Triggs, Karen Ricketts