In this Issue:
Fun Stuff
Spotlight on RAT members
Have brags? pictures,? announcements for the next Rat Tales the Blog? Email Sandy Cox and Nick Nick : [email protected]

Agility is like climbing Mt. Rainier: on the way you meet lots of wonderful people, see lots of animals, experience challenges and successes. Enjoy the Journey!
Fun stuff from Lynn Chase
Dog Human Bodies created by Lynn and her family!
Spotlight on Members
Welcome to the Rat Tales Blog section called Spotlight on members. Each month or so we will try to highlight a “new” member and an “old” member. We hope you enjoy learning about your fellow agility friends.
Meet RAT member since 2007 Carol Nottenburg
Carol and Geikie
RT: How did you get interested in dog agility?
Carol: When Jarah was about 6 months old, I read an article about dog agility, the up and coming sport for dogs. Without knowing more, I decided to enroll in classes right away.
RT: Tell us about your dogs.
Carole: Jarah Little One-der Dawg is 14 years old and a Great Pyr x Aussie(?)
Bonzer (Avid’s Great Balls of Fire) is 2 years old and an Australian Shepherd
RT: Are you competing? If so for how long?
Carole: I’m not currently competing. Jarah retired a few years ago after competing for about 10 years, and Bonzer is in training. We’re slowly and surely getting there. He’ll be in the ring pretty soon.

Jarah at Anette Lake
RT: What venues did/do you compete in?
Carol: I participated in NADAC, USDAA and CPE with Jarah. I plan to do the same with Bonzer.
RT: What other activities do you do with your dogs?
Carole:We trick train (not very accomplished however) and hunt for truffles in the house and yard. With some more training, Bonzer and I will take to the woods to look for them.
RT:What do you like about being a RAT Club member
Carol:The camaraderie and support for this fun and challenging sport. I also enjoy getting to know the members and hearing about their dogs and lives.
RT: What RAT Activities have you helped with?
Carol:For 3-4 years I was editor of RAT Tales. Jarah was co-editor and wrote a help column. For more years than that I have been Trial Secretary for USDAA trials. (*Note from editor – look in members only section on the web and go to archives to see old Rat TALES).
RT: Do you have any particular interests you would like to share …
Carol: I’m an avid knitter. Often, you will see me sporting a hand-knit hat, mitts, and scarves on the course, and knitting on the sidelines.
RT: What funny things do your dogs do?
Carole: When Bonzer was a wee pup, he would dive under the bed and play keep away. As an adult, he still dives under the bed, even though it is a tight fit, and he often sleeps there. Jarah will do what I call a “drop and flop”, which is to throw herself down (it is not a gentle lie-down) on a grass patch and scratch her back on the grass while her legs flail in the air. She also is the pillow queen, usually sleeping on top of a pile of pillows.
RT:What do you like best about your dog(s)?
Carol: I love Jarah’s happiness. She is always pleased and content with life and has a most engaging smile. Her tail constantly wags when we’re out on a walk. With Bonzer, I love his sweetness and awesome temperament.
Meet New RAT member John Bartlow
John lives in Bothell and owns Twiggs a Cockerpoo who is 7.5 years old.
Twigss and John
RT: How did you get interested in dog agility?
John: We live next to Rivendale and saw the various dog activities happening which made it easy to get connected and it looked like a fun thing for my daughter to do with her dog. Hannah (John’s daughter) began Agility with Twiggs for a couple of years then turned it over to me (Dad) when she got busy with school in her senior year.
RT: Are you competing? If so for how long?
John: We’ve run in a few trials over the past 4 years. Not real regular though. Mostly just for fun
RT: What venues do you compete in? i.e. NADAC, AKC, USDAA, CPE
John: NADAC and a couple of fun runs
RT: What other activities do you do with your dogs?
John: Day hikes, General fun when we’re out and about. Nothing organized other than Agility
RT: What do you like about being a RAT Club member
John: Community of friendly dog people. League was fun last fall.
RT: What RAT Activities have you helped with?
John: I’ve helped at the trials we have run in. We participated in North end league last fall.